49K Migrants Apprehended in 28 Days in One Arizona Border Sector

49k migrants apprehended in 28 days in one arizona border sector
U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 49,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico into Arizona during the past 28 days, according to unofficial Border Patrol reports.

Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin posted a report on X indicating that his agents apprehended 13,300 migrants during the past week. The apprehensions led to the filing of 126 federal criminal cases.

This is the fourth consecutive week where Tucson Sector agents made more than 11,000 arrests during a single week.

In addition to the migrant arrests, Tucson Sector agents carried out 588 migrant rescues and interdicted 25 human smuggling attempts, Modlin reported.


This week’s apprehension report brings the total for the past 28 days to nearly 49,300, according to Modlin’s unofficial reports.

During the recently ended FY23, Tucson Sector agents apprehended more than 372,000 migrants. This is an increase of nearly 50 percent over the prior fiscal year.

Official numbers for September and the year-end report for FY23 will likely be released late in October.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.

Authored by Bob Price via Breitbart October 15th 2023