Maher: Woke Focus on Victimhood Is Anti-Compassion and Anti-Solutions

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Gutfeld,” comedian, author, and the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher stated that the woke left’s approach to issues like homelessness and obesity is to “just re-name it or just be a victim of it” and this is the opposite of the old-school liberal focus on fixing problems and that the woke approach of focusing on labels and victimization while attacking attempts to fix problems that contradict a victim neighborhood is actually anti-compassion.

During a segment on demands for accommodations for overweight people, Maher said, “How about we fix this? Instead of feeling like victims, let’s fix it.”

He added, “But again, this is old-school liberalism. You have a problem? Let’s fix it. Let’s not just re-name it or just be a victim of it. Let’s fix it. The homeless, let’s get you off the streets, instead of like the woke view.”

Host Greg Gutfeld then cut in to say, “How dare you? … No, it is, it’s how dare you do that? How dare you tell me to get healthier, how dare you tell me to get off the street? It’s like you’re anti-compassion.”

Maher responded, “Right.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart May 20th 2024