Mike Huckabee: Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’ an ‘Incredible Gift to the Truth’

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee called Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s Breaking Biden “an incredible gift to the truth” and noted that the New York Times bestselling book’s 1,600 footnotes make it very difficult for anyone to challenge its contents.

“Alex, it is a phenomenal work and an incredible gift to the truth. And I hope that people will get it,” Huckabee told Marlow during an interview about the book on the former governor’s TBN show Huckabee.

mike huckabee alex marlows breaking biden an incredible gift to the truth
“What I was amazed by, the footnotes alone — 1,600 footnotes in this book, so if anybody wants to challenge what you’re saying in the book, they’re going to have to wade through a whole lot of specific references in which you cite chapter and verse of what you’re saying,” Huckabee continued.

The former governor added, “I don’t think many people have done that level of research on Joe Biden and/or his family.”

“If you think you know Joe Biden, as I did before I started researching him, we know nothing about Joe Biden,” Marlow replied.

“The average person does not know the very beginning of the level of corruption and his destructive policies,” the Breitbart editor-in-chief added.

Marlow explained that the mistake people made with President Joe Biden is that “we decided to pawn him off as some sort of a puppet. He’s not. He’s the puppeteer more than anyone else.”

“Joe is at the top, and we need to start taking him, as not this symptom, but the actual problem,” Marlow said. “And in order to prove that, I had to bring the receipts.”

Marlow also stated that Biden “was working the system because he built it himself.”

“Now, I’m not saying he’s an evil genius. I’m not going that far,” he added. “But I am saying that [with] over 50 years of Washington, he has used his rolodex and more intellect than we give him credit for to be able to craft a system that he could summit. And now he’s at the top.”

“And I’m afraid — given the powerful people he surrounds himself with, given the level of donor class billions that are at his disposal — he could win again if we’re not careful and if we don’t start taking him seriously,” Marlow said.

“That’s what I set out to prove in the book, and I think I did that with example after example,” he added.

Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration is available in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook read by the author.

Huckabee’s show airs every Saturday at 8 p.m. ET and Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on TBN, and the episodes are also available on YouTube.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and X/Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

Authored by Alana Mastrangelo via Breitbart November 5th 2023