Scarborough: Florida GOP Booing Christie ‘Are Jokes’ — Supporting Tyrant Trump Is ‘Sick’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Monday on his show “Morning Joe” that those who booed former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) at the Florida Republican Party’s Freedom Conference were “jokes.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski said, “Presidential candidate Chris Christie over the weekend responded to the boos and jeers from pro-Trump crowd at the GOP Freedom Summit.”

Scarborough said, “The Freedom Summit, you got a guy at the Freedom Summit, you have a guy they’re praising that has talked about terminating the Constitution. A guy who is saying he is going to arrest people just because he wants to arrest them! Said he’s going to arrest General Mark Milley, says he is going to arrest Ty Cobb, his former attorney, just because. The Freedom Summit, those people are jokes. Every one of them that booed are jokes.”

Brzezinski said, “He loves the J6 choir.”

Scarborough said, “You are right. He goes out and he has the people who pummeled police officers with American flags, that he praises, that he calls hostages. How sick do you have to be, to actually go to an event and boo somebody for criticizing Donald Trump at the Freedom Summit. How sick do you have to be to praise a man who supports rioters who beat the hell out of cops?”

He added, “They say they support freedom? No, it’s the opposite. They support a tyrant, a guy who promised he wants to suspend the Constitution, and a guy who has said I’m going to start arresting people after I’m elected president of the United States.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart November 5th 2023