Nolte: 65% of Likely Voters Accurately See ‘Invasion’ at Southern Border

EAGLE PASS, TEXAS - DECEMBER 17: In an aerial view, a U.S. Border Patrol agent watches over migrants waiting to be processed after crossing from Mexico into the United States on December 17, 2023 in Eagle Pass, Texas. A surge of migrants, as many as 12,000 per day, crossing the …
John Moore/Getty Images

Nearly two-thirds of likely voters accurately describe events at His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s open southern border as an “invasion.”

“Sixty-five percent (65%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe it is accurate to describe the current situation with migrants at the border with Mexico as an “invasion” of the United States, including 43% who say such a description is Very Accurate,” writes Rasmussen Reports. Meanwhile, only 31 percent “disagree, including 15% who think it’s Not At All Accurate to call the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border an invasion.”

On top of that, a full 70 percent “consider border security a vital national security interest for the United States these days[.]” Only 17 percent disagree, while 13 percent are not sure.

A full 72 percent regard the open border as a “crisis.” Only 20 percent think differently.

The internals are even more interesting. When asked if “the current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border is a crisis,” 60 percent of Democrats agreed, while only 30 percent disagreed. What’s more, 74 percent of black voters agreed, with only 21 percent disagreeing.

When asked if we are experiencing an “invasion,” 55 percent of Democrats agreed, as did 74 percent of black voters.

Joe Biden is deliberately allowing millions and millions of unvetted illegal aliens into a country that already has an inflation and housing crisis. And what happens in that situation? Inflation and the housing crisis worsen. In December alone, more than 300,000 illegals were encountered at our Southern border. How many got past us? How many were allowed in?

It is a fact that the organized left’s desire to replace normal Americans with illegal aliens who work cheaper and are more likely to vote Democrat is no secret. I think part of the reason Democrats are allowing this invasion to gallop on is the hope that more people will assert that this is the Great Replacement Theory in action, which allows the corporate media to smear us as racists.

I am all in favor of legal immigration. I’m married to a legal Mexican immigrant. We should be poaching the best, brightest, and most ambitious from all over the world and at every opportunity, just so long as they agree with the principles behind the American Experiment.

Immigrants do not make America stronger — not if you import criminals and welfare leeches.

Vetted immigrants eager to prosper by taking advantage of America’s individual liberty are what make America stronger, and I’m all for that.

Of course, I am also strongly in favor of using Joe Biden’s illegal invasion further to destroy Democrat-run sanctuary cities like Chicago and New York. That part of this crisis I am enjoying the hell out of.

Even small, leftist towns like Whitewater, Wisconsin, are being destroyed by Biden’s invasion. Whitewater is a college town that voted for Biden over Trump by double digits. I’m very familiar with Whitewater, and what had been an idyllic little town of 15,000 has since been pummeled with 800 to 1,000 of Biden’s illegals since 2022.

Adding 1,000 illegals to a population of 15,000 would be like flooding the Los Angeles population of 3.8 million with a quarter million illegals. Imagine what that would look like. Oh, wait, that did happen to Los Angeles, which is why Los Angeles is now a shithole.

These idiots voted for an invasion, and now they are getting what they voted for.

Meanwhile, out here in rural MAGAland, our streets, air, and water are safe and clean. Everyone lives together in relative harmony without fear of crime or bigotry.

Jealous much, Democrat-run cities?

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart January 8th 2024