Nolte: Far-Left CNN Forced to Cancel New Hampshire Debate

CNN debate
AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence, was forced to cancel a New Hampshire debate that was scheduled for Sunday, two days before the Granite State primary.

The reason? Both former President Donald Trump and former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) declined to appear for the CNNLOL debate. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was the only candidate who made the cut and was still willing to appear. Although DeSantis tweeted that he was willing to debate an empty podium, CNN likely decided its ratings were already low enough and pulled the plug on the whole thing.

Haley will stand for a CNN town hall with Jake “Election Meddler” Tapper on Thursday (that no one will watch).

On Tuesday, DeSantis participated in a CNN town hall with Wolf “I Lost on Jeopardy” Blitzer (that no one watched).

This is the second New Hampshire debate canceled. On Tuesday, far-left ABC News was forced to cancel a scheduled debate for the same reason: Haley and Trump refused to participate.

Haley, who is making her final stand in New Hampshire after a blow-out, third-place loss in Iowa Monday night, has said she will no longer appear on any debate stage unless it includes Trump or His Fraudulency Joe Biden.

Trump has wisely refused to participate in any of these dumb debates.

Republicans need to stop participating in cable news debates and town halls. Why legitimize hate outlets like CNN or NBC? Why legitimize liars who hate you like Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper? Why give aid and comfort to your enemies over at Fox “Arizona” News? Sure, I get the ego boost that comes with appearing on national cable TV. Still, the corporate media are not our friends. These town halls and debates should be local affairs only, which is what they were before the corrupt cable news industry launched.

The primary reason Trump will not debate in New Hampshire is the lack of upside. In the latest polling, the first to come after former Gov. Chris Christie (R-Obnoxious) quit the race, Trump leads by 16 percent. There is no reason for him to debate anyone. Haley sits at 34 percent in that New Hampshire poll, so naturally, she would love to debate Trump. But why would Haley agree to debate only DeSantis, who sits with 5.2 percent support in New Hampshire, which is so pathetic that he’s losing to the 5.8 percent supporting “undecided.”

The good news is that the whole idea of televised debates is losing steam. Debates are the one arena where the corporate media can still meddle in elections. There was a time when refusing to debate meant political death. No more. I suspect that later in 2024, Trump could refuse to participate in “rigged” general election debates with Biden, and it would not hurt him in the least.

Debates are all rigged to benefit Democrats and the Republican establishment. Like the corporate media’s credibility, nationally televised debates and town halls need to die.

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I find myself reading less and less these days as all pop culture (books, movies, music) have degenerated into simplistic “content” that tries to beat you over the head with a message. That being said, I found … Borrowed Time to be refreshing and delightful with complex characters and a messy (re: authentic) world. Also, I have to commend you on your idea of what heaven looks like. Too many writers have a trite vision of heaven, but I found both versions of heaven that you came up with (Doreen’s version of heaven as a campground with the Arthurs and Mason version with Doreen and Hok’ee) to be true to those characters and sublime.  — Reader email.

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart January 17th 2024