Find out what is the best option for you when your Apple iPhone battery needs replacing
Is it time for a new battery or a new phone?
Kurt "The CyberGuy" Knutsson shows how to check your phone's battery health, to help you decide whether you should replace it or just get an entirely new phone instead.
Have you ever wondered whether it’s better to replace your Apple iPhone's battery or just get a new phone? Lisa from Grafton, Wisconsin, recently wrote to us with this exact question. Here's what she asked:
"My iPhone needs a new battery. Is it better to just get a new phone? Thank you for all the information on your website."
— <i>Lisa, Grafton, Wisconsin</i>
This is a great question. We've gone over how to tell if your iPhone battery needs replacing (which I will go over again). However, let's go over whether it's truly worth it to replace your battery when it's run its course or if you should just get a new smartphone.
If you want to know whether it's time to replace your phone's battery, you can go to Settings to check your battery health. (
How do I know if my iPhone battery needs to be replaced?
Checking to see if your iPhone battery needs to be replaced is relatively simple, and the process lies within your Settings app. Here's how to do it.
Go to Settings
Scroll down and select Battery
Click Battery Health & Charging
Look at the percentage next to Maximum Capacity. If that number is lower than 80%, then it means your battery should be replaced
An indication of whether it's time to get a new battery for your phone is if its maximum capacity says it's less than 80%. (
Replacing your iPhone’s battery vs. buying a new phone: which is the better option?
Whether or not you should go through the process of replacing your battery or replacing your phone altogether really depends on the model of your iPhone and whether you'd rather have a newer model. If your phone is only a few years old, and you enjoy the features it currently has, then replacing the battery would certainly be the more affordable option for you.
Apple charges a service fee to replace the battery of an iPhone. The cost of the battery replacement depends on the model of your iPhone. For example, Apple charges $49 to replace the battery for iPhones older than the X model. The cost for most other new models is $69. However, at time of publishing, the cost is $99 for the current generation iPhone 14 family.
iPhone Battery Service is a good way to see how you can get help with replacing your iPhone's battery. (Apple)
Weighing the costs and benefits of AppleCare+
If you have AppleCare+ and your iPhone's battery holds less than 80% of its original capacity, your device is eligible for a battery replacement at no additional cost.
What exactly is AppleCare+?
But what exactly is AppleCare+? It is an extended warranty program offered by Apple for its devices, including iPhones. It can be purchased either as a monthly subscription or prepaid for two years. The cost of AppleCare+ varies, depending on the device and coverage plan. For example, for an iPhone 14 Pro or 14 Pro Max, the standard AppleCare+ plan costs $199 for two years of coverage or $9.99 per month at the time of publishing.
Considering the cost of repairs: the benefits of AppleCare+ coverage
When deciding whether to purchase AppleCare+, it’s important to consider the cost of potential repairs if your AppleCare+ coverage has lapsed. For example, if you need to replace your iPhone battery, it will cost you $99 without AppleCare+ coverage. However, if you have AppleCare+ and your device’s battery holds less than 80% of its original capacity, you are eligible for a battery replacement at no additional cost.
Planning ahead: how long to keep your phone and the value of AppleCare+ coverage
Another factor to consider is how long you plan to keep your phone. If you’re considering getting a new phone in two years, it may be worth purchasing AppleCare+ for the two-year coverage period to protect against accidental damage or hardware failure. However, if you plan to keep your phone for longer than two years, it may be worth considering whether the cost of potential repairs outweighs the cost of continuing to pay for AppleCare+ coverage beyond the initial two-year period.
So, AppleCare+ can provide peace of mind and potentially save you money in the long run if you need to repair or replace your device. However, it’s important to weigh the costs and benefits based on your individual needs and circumstances.
It may be worth purchasing AppleCare+ for the two-year coverage period to protect against accidental damage or hardware failure if you are planning to get a new phone in two years. (
Upgrading vs. repairing
Now, if you want to have the latest and greatest iPhone with all the snazzy new features that older models don't have, then you should skip the battery-replacement process and just get a new iPhone. It will be more costly, yet you should be getting what you desire if you can afford the expense.
How do I know if my Android battery needs to be replaced?
You can do the same process of checking your Android's battery health by downloading the app AccuBattery from the Google Play Store. AccuBattery had 4.7 stars at the time of publishing and allows you to monitor your battery usage, measure battery capacity, and get detailed information about your battery health. This can help you make informed decisions about when to replace your battery or whether to buy a new phone.
Pro Tip: You can also go to Settings > Battery and device care > Battery to turn on Power Saving mode to make your battery life last longer. Turning on Power Saving Mode on your Android device will help you save battery life by disabling certain functions, features or even apps.
The cost of replacing a battery for an Android typically ranges between $50 and $100, depending on the make and model of your phone as well as the location where you have it replaced. (
Replacing your Android’s battery vs. buying a new phone: which is the better option?
This, again, will depend on whether you'd rather spend the money to get a brand-new phone with the latest features or save money by simply replacing the battery.
The cost of replacing a battery for an Android typically ranges between $50 and $100, depending on the make and model of your phone as well as the location where you have it replaced. This is certainly cheaper than purchasing a new phone, so consider whether you could live with the phone you have for a few more years before rushing out to buy a new one.
Kurt's key takeaways
Ultimately, the decision to replace your phone battery or get a new phone is up to you. I would recommend saving your money and getting your battery replaced before spending hundreds of dollars on a new phone. However, I also understand that some of you may want (or even need) newer features and can't live with an older phone for a few more years. Neither option is a bad one, so weigh your own needs, and make your decision from there.
Do you think that our smartphone batteries should last longer, considering how much we pay for them? Let us know by writing us at
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Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on "FOX & Friends." Got a tech question? Get Kurt’s CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at